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Red Kite Day 7

Empowerment and Inclusion

Friday 5th July | Harrogate Convention Centre

Our seventh Red Kite Day will bring together colleagues from our 24 secondary, special and all-through Alliance partner schools. The focus of the day will be empowerment and inclusion with the theme running through the keynote speeches, cross-curricular workshops and department/subject CLC sessions.

Keynote Speakers

Alison Peacock portrait CCT - square

David Cameron



Rob Coe

Dame Alison Peacock

Professor Dame Alison Peacock is Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, a charitable Professional Body that seeks to empower a knowledgeable and respected teaching profession through membership and accreditation.  Prior to joining the Chartered College, Dame Alison was Executive Headteacher of The Wroxham School in Hertfordshire. Her career to date has spanned primary, secondary and advisory roles. She is an Honorary Fellow of Queens College Cambridge, Hughes Hall Cambridge and UCL, a Visiting Professor of both the University of Hertfordshire and Glyndŵr University and a trustee for Big Change, Institute for Educational & Social Equity and the Helen Hamlyn Trust. Her research is published in a series of books about Learning without Limits offering an alternative approach to inclusive school improvement. 

David Cameron

David Cameron has established himself as a leading voice in education. He has led reviews and presented at conferences across the UK and internationally, working with teachers, parents and governors, School Business Managers and students. David has extensive experience as a teacher, a senior manager in schools and in local authorities, most recently as Director of Children’s Services for Stirling Council. He was President of the Association of Directors of Education Scotland and has been centrally involved in virtually every major development in Scottish education over the last 40 years. He is now consistently recognised as an entertaining and inspiring speaker and supportive consultant. For more information, visit his website

Anu Manthri

Anu focuses on the new customer experience at Google for Education: institutions onboarding Google technology to transform learning and teaching. Anu supports school Senior leadership teams, Multi Academy Trusts and Local Authorities with strategic digital transformation programmes with Google to effectively transform learning and teaching. Anu has worked in education for 15 years, starting her career in the classroom, she brings an understanding of classroom practice and technology via her role at Google for Education. 

Grace Kelly

Grace leads Google for Education's (GfE) Customer Success division, with a background in education and tech, Grace is passionate about using GfE tools to drive equity in education. Grace focuses on ensuring that our existing community of schools, Local Authorities, and MATs are making the most out of their relationship with Google For Education. In action, this means working collaboratively with education leaders on strategic initiatives for digital optimisation through the GfE tools and platforms. Grace also works with these schools and colleges to showcase their impact stories in our Google Reference School program, and oversee scaled community programs that empower educators to digitally up-skill and transform. 

Rob Coe

Rob Coe is Director of Research and Development at Evidence Based Education and Senior Associate at the Education Endowment Foundation. He was previously Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) at Durham University, and before that a secondary mathematics teacher. He is a Visiting Professor of Education at the Centre for Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University. 

Rob has contributed to a number of influential reports, including EBE’s Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review, and School Environment and Leadership: Evidence Review. He is a member of advisory groups for a wide range of educational organisations. 


08:20 - 08:50         Registration
9:00 - 10:20

Keynote Speakers

  • Dame Alison Peacock
  • Anu Manthri and Grace Kelly
  • David Cameron
10:20 - 10:40 Refreshments
10:40 - 11:40 Cross-Curricular Sessions
11:50 - 12:20

Keynote - Rob Coe

12:25 - 13:15 Lunch
13:15 - 15:15 Subject/Department CLCs, SLT Workshop and Student Leaders Workshop

Suitable for

  • Secondary, All-though and Special Headteachers
  • Senior Leaders
  • Teachers
  • Classroom-based Support Staff
  • Operational Staff
  • Pastoral Staff
  • Governors, Trustees & Guests

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Cross-curricular Workshops

Attendance and Safeguarding Practice

James Barratt, Temple Learning Academy

The session will focus on the use of data, parental/carer engagement through AIOs and the use of multi-agencies to address and remove barriers for low attending students and families.  

Suitable for anyone in school who has responsibility for attendance at a Senior Leadership level and/or those who are operational on a daily basis for attendance; i.e. Attendance Improvement Officers. 

Behaviour Curriculum

Tim Milburn, Pete Saunders and Hayley Thompson, Rossett School

This session explores Rossett School's journey implementing a Behaviour Curriculum as a positive response to increasing behavioural challenges.  Senior Leaders from the school, along with the Headteacher, will share their honest reflections and helpful insights about how this approach to behaviour has driven whole school improvement. This case study will allow delegates to reflect on their own context and how this can support behaviour and culture in their own setting.  

Suitable for all.

Developing leaders at all levels

Stuart Huddleston, Temple Learning Academy

The session will focus on development programs for middle leaders and the value of succession planning within an organisation.  

Suitable for: anyone who is currently, or aspires to be, a middle leader and/or has a more general interest in staff development and future proofing a strong and successful line of leadership within a school. 

Flexible Working in our Schools – How can we really make this work?

Neil Renton and Julie Wellacott, RKLT, Project Leads for Flexible Working Ambassador MAT, Yorkshire and Humber Region.

This interactive session considers the very real challenges of recruitment and retention of teachers (and other roles in schools) and how establishing a culture of flexible working can provide a significant and positive solution. We will explore the range of flexible working practices, and navigate some of the challenges and perceptions, providing practical examples and case studies to support change. 

Using some of the resources through our Flexible Working Ambassador MAT and School (FWAM) work, we will bring into the session opportunities for reflection. This will encourage an honest and self-critical look at leaders’ current position and how to take the first steps in moving through the flexible working maturity curve. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Define flexible working and why it’s fundamental to the success of our schools. 
  • Share our own story so far and provide practical ideas and solutions. 
  • Help leaders in how they can use their influence to create positive change and build a flexible working culture. 

Suitable for Senior Leaders, HR & Business Professionals 

Google Workspace for Education

Ben Whitaker, Google Certified Trainer, Educator and Innovator, Google for Education

Join Ben Whitaker to try out Google Workspace for Education tools available free-of-charge for all teachers. Google Workspace for Education is a suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools designed specifically for the education sector. It includes popular tools such as Classroom, Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet, all integrated into a single platform. In this session, we will explore the benefits of using Google Workspace for Education and how it can help students and educators work more effectively and collaboratively. We will also provide hands-on training on how to use Google technology to save time.  

Please bring a Chromebook or laptop device if you can, in order to get hands-on with the tools. Google Workspace works on all platforms (Chromebooks, iPads, windows laptops and mobile devices). 

Suitable for all

Levelling the Playing Field Every Day

Bev Brining and Liz Wren, Roundhay School 

The session aims to identify the common barriers faced by our disadvantaged pupils. We will share a range of strategies that have worked well in our context and provide time for you to consider how you can maximise progress for the pupils in your care.  

Suitable for classroom facing staff

Learners, not labels – supporting disadvantaged learners to achieve great outcomes

Becky Cox, HFL Education

This session will explore how identifying the specific challenges faced by our disadvantaged students can support the implementation of effective strategies and interventions to help them achieve great outcomesThe session will be valuable to members of staff who have a strategic overview of a school’s Pupil Premium Strategy, as well as those who are working with students in a classroom or pastoral setting. 

Suitable for SLT, Teachers and TAs 

Raising the awareness of apprenticeship and degree apprenticeship programmes in Secondary schools

Suki Gill, HFL Education

This session will allow teachers and advisers to explore how they can gain an understanding of the apprenticeship route to create parity between academic and technical pathways. This approach has been driven following the development of The Apprenticeship Twin-Track Apprenticeship Toolkit, a free resource for secondary schools to support students to research, apply for and secure apprenticeships. Delegates will benefit from the best practice experienced from the several secondary schools and young people who have been encouraged through this process. 

Suitable for Teachers, Careers Leaders, Pastoral Leaders, PSHE leads 

SEMH Matters

Susan Pardoe and Tim Halliwell, Pupil Support, Roundhay School

The session aims to look at the most common mental health challenges experienced by young people including: anxiety, self -harm and suicidal ideation. We will share some ideas on how to support young people experiencing these challenges and signpost to other helpful agencies. 

Suitable for all

Teaching the autistic mind within a mainstream setting

Helen Manyanya and Jo Slingo, Lighthouse School 

Lighthouse School was the first specialist free school to open in the country for autistic young people aged 11 – 19. The school’s approach to ‘Inspiring Bright Futures is embedded through 4 cornerstones – communication, wellbeing, skills and experience with a broad and ambitious curriculum.  

This workshop, delivered by Lighthouse colleagues, is designed to support people to understand what autism is, looking at the key areas of difference. We will explore inclusion vs. integration. 

We will also look at Teaching and Learning strategies that can support all learners but why they are particularly important for autistic learners. 

Suitable for Senior leaders/ headteachers, Teachers and Teaching Assistants 

The Menopause Talk

Vicki Lickley and Ria Tomlinson, RKLT

All girls had 'The Period Talk' at school. All women should have 'The Menopause Talk'. This is a life event that all women will experience and if it is talked about at least they will be better prepared for what is going to happen.   

Having work policies in place is a good first step but what is actually needed is an open conversation about the menopause and more education about what happens to women's bodies and what can be done about it.  

Suitable for all

The role of Teacher led CPD in creating supportive learning environments and raising teacher wellbeing

Julia Dickson, The Whartons Primary School

Increased demands on teachers, through COVID changes to teaching and learning; alongside raised accountability via a new Ofsted inspection framework, led to teachers displaying signs of fatigue, reduced self-efficacy and engagement in professional development. 

Supporting teacher wellbeing and reinvigorate passions for professional development, necessitated a new approach to positive teacher learning. 

The structure, outcomes and impacts of a mixed method, teacher led, CPD research project, will be analysed.  

Join round-table professional development discussions and shared best practice.  

Suitable for Headteacher, Senior Leaders and Teachers

Trauma aware schools - principle of practice

Amy Thompson, Temple Learning Academy

In this session we will examine what it means to be trauma informed, what we need to know and understand about trauma and it's impact on school life. We will then explore some fundamental Principles of Practice which would contribute to a trauma informed approach within school and within the classroom. This will include applying these principles to some cases studies. Finally, colleagues will complete a reflection activity to plan their next steps in enhancing their practice with this new professional knowledge.  

Suitable for Student facing staff, more beneficial for those in the classroom. Leaders at all levels.  

Using Evidence to Support Classroom Practice

Rob Coe, Director of R&D at Evidence Based Education and Senior Associate at the EEF

This workshop will support classroom practitioners to understand the (sometimes surprising) evidence about effective classroom practices and professional learning. Although a workshop cannot make you a better teacher, it can set out what is required for professional learning (CPD) to be effective, focusing on goals, understanding, skills and habits (GUSH), in an environment of collaboration and feedback.  

Suitable for Classroom facing staff

Voice Resilience in the Classroom

Sharon Stacey, Sharon Stacey Music

Whether you're an early career teacher or a seasoned educator, safeguarding your voice is essential for longevity and effectiveness in the classroom. But despite its importance, vocal health for teachers is often overlooked in a classroom setting, leading to voice issues and potential long-term damage.  

Join Voice Coach Sharon Stacey for a practical session where we will delve into vocal health strategies aimed at nurturing and preserving your most vital asset as a teacher. Explore ways to prevent voice strain, manage vocal fatigue, and cultivate habits that promote sustained vocal wellness.  

Suitable for all

Subject/Department CLCs, SLT Workshop, Operational Staff and Student Leaders

Based at HCC Based at HCC Based at HGS
Business and Economics Operational Staff Art
English Pastoral Computing
Geography Psychology Design Technology
Health and Social Care RS Drama
History SLT Workshop Food & Nutrition
Maths SENCO & TAs Music
MFL Student Leaders PE


Life Drawing

For this session art teaching staff will be taking part in a practical workshop drawing from a life model. 

The aim of the session is to highlight one of the main Assessment Objectives at GCSE and A Level 'Direct Observation', and to support this we will be working with line and shade from a variety of poses from a life model. 

There will also be a slide show/talk where Shane will share exemplary student work based on the figure and the body as a theme. There also will be the opportunity to discuss artists who work from this theme to help staff consider schemes of work back in their own school.

Business and Economics

How to be inclusive in Business and Economics 

We will be looking into 3 key pillars within our subject - culture, curriculum, and teaching and learning - and looking into how we can ensure that we are being more inclusive and promote all students to make progress. Teachers from each school need to bring with them an idea about how they have planned and developed their schemes of work, and what current opportunities are offered both within the classroom and outside to promote inclusion for all. 


Encouraging girls into GCSE computer 
Physical Computing - Micro:bits

Learning computing with the micro:bit has been proven to raise interest and enjoyment among KS3 learners and increase the number of girls interested in further study. It provides an engaging way to develop subject knowledge, through fun projects that provide instant feedback to develop programming skill. This CPD will be a hands-on session where you will explore how the micro:bit, can be programmed to control creative digital projects. With a range of programming environments 
Encouraging girls into GCSE computer 
Encouraging girls into GCSE CS - explore the big picture of the current gap in uptake at GCSE between girls and boys. Be part of discussions around reasons for this gap, including, lack of role models, unconscious bias, and a non-inclusive curriculum amongst others. Consider different strategies inside and outside of the classroom to support the narrowing of the gap before finally planning effective interventions in KS3 to improve the uptake in your own school. 

Design Technology

Resin Casting Rub

The workshop will involve resin casting and how to use it in schools and your lessons.


Making Devising Inclusive

Dave Cartwright is a Yorkshire based producer, director, performer and poet. For 12 years he was Artistic Director of Manic Chord Theatre company before becoming Creative Producer for Leeds International Piano Competition and Producer for Leeds 2023 City of Culture. Alongside this, David has self produced schools tours across Europe, South America and South East Asia. 
Within the Drama CLC Dave will be delivering a workshop focused on ‘Making Devising Inclusive.’ This will involve games, techniques and discussion that roots the act of theatre making in the lived experience of the creators. 


The presentation will be on spoken language in education, which combines material that would be useful for teaching English language (especially at A level) with input around dialogic approaches to teaching and learning, and then end with some discussion questions. 

Food and Nutrition

Food Plating and Presentation 

This session will give food teachers the chance to network and share good practice. We will be working together to experiment with a range of different food presentation and plating techniques. Please bring your creativity and any resources that you can share to demonstrate plating techniques that have worked for you and your classes. 


Promoting empowerment and inclusion through geographical fieldwork 

This session will primarily focus on the challenges faced by SEND students when accessing fieldwork in an urban area and how these challenges can be overcome. Additionally, we will address how themes of inclusion and empowerment can be investigated using Geographical fieldwork to raise their profile within our subject. 

We will be conducting fieldwork outside around Harrogate so participants should be dressed appropriately for the weather and for walking around an urban area. If you have a clipboard, it would be helpful to bring it. 

Health and Social Care

Making Space: Curiosity, Critical Thinking and Reflection

This interactive session identifies stages and models of reflection in contemporary social work practice and considers how we can bring reflective practice models into a classroom learning setting. The session will explore models that encourage social workers to think more critically and reflexively to strengthen their analysis and defensible decision making in front line practice. 


Making History Inclusive 

'Making History Inclusive' will consider how we can support SEND students through the use of AI, curriculum planning and scaffolding historical writing. Different schools will share their current work in these areas and there will be an opportunity for reflection and next steps planning for departments afterwards. 


Making Maths Inclusive  

Making Maths Inclusive - problem solving and the importance of exposing all pupils to problem solving, therefore making it inclusive. This will include strategies that can be used in the classroom and we will spend some time creating some resources we can use. 


Inclusion in MFL 

  • Maximising SEN support
  • Strengthening wider immersion & enrichment
  • Using new technologies to support inclusion- Speechify/ Chatgpt. 
  • Teaching inclusive language in MFL- “Amplifying marginalised voices through MFL”*

*Edexcel quote

Part 2

Planning for the new GCSE Specifications for first teaching this September: examples and ideas. Please could all participants bring one new resource (in either French, German or Spanish) for the new GCSE specification for Pair Share.


Session 1: Music Technology demonstration and discussion

Session 2: SEND strategies in Music and discussion

Session 3: Knowledge organisation in Music

Session 4: Open discussion on any issues arising in Music education


Inclusive PE Teaching Ideas - delivered by the Football Association

This session will use the vehicle of football movements/ themes to give staff a variety of ideas as to how they can adapt their teaching for their CORE PE groups to further support those with additional needs. 


Making Psychology Inclusive 

We will be working collaboratively to identify gaps in the the curriculum, culture, and teaching of psychology A level. From this we will develop resources and practical strategies that can be employed in our classrooms across the alliance. As a subject, we believe that recognising diversity in all aspects of our curriculum is an integral part of the delivering of psychology as it promotes equality and acceptance. This will have a positive impact on outcomes for our students and should not be considered a separate or negative add on. Tackling previous shortcomings is the first step to fostering the culture we want in the classroom and it is our hope that this session will give teachers practical takeaways that they can begin embedding straight away. 


Making Religious Studies Inclusive

We will discuss a range of strategies for Making RS Inclusive, including motivating disadvantaged students in RS, breaking down difficult RS concepts, addressing misconceptions and Disciplinary Reading in RS 


Delegates will attend two of the workshops listed below:

  • Supporting low literacy and poor working memory in science
  • Building resilience and independent study skills at KS4 and 5
  • Trouble shooting required in practicals
  • Science trips for beginners: a guide to organising your first science visit
  • A.I in science teaching
  • Best resources to support science teaching
  • Running successful science clubs and making the most out of British science and engineering week
  • Embedding careers in the science curriculum
  • Effective use of iPads to support effective teaching and learning in science
  • Building student disciplinary knowledge in science
  • Leadership in science forum


Marking, feedback and assessment workshop

CLC leads will have the opportunity to plan 10, 20 and 30 mark assessments in small groups.  

They will also have the opportunity to mark students work against the AQA mark scheme and compare their marks with the principal examiner’s marks.  

Following the above two tasks they will collaborate in small groups on developing formative feedback. 

Operational Excellence

Aspiring to Operational Excellence - a workshop for operational teams 

Fresh from his Research project with the Institute of School Business Leaders, Chris Hallmark joins us as a national expert in Operational Excellence. Chris will introduce the idea of Operational Excellence and help us consider how we can use the framework to drive improvements in our schools and MATs with a focus on eliminating waste, knowing our customers and refining our processes. 


Session 1

Adaptions for autistic learners

Facilitated by the Outreach Team at Lighthouse School; exploring neuro-affirming practices (focusing on the strengths and rights of each individual) to support sensory adaptations in the classroom to support Autistic learners to reduce overwhelm. Delegates will take park in a range of practical activities each focusing on a different support strategy.

Session 2

Attendance at 2x 15-minute round table workshops as below run by HGS staff

  • Parental Engagement – Working with Parents
  • Zones of Regulation Intervention
  • Development of EAL Provision 
  • Behaviour Workshop - Strategies to Support SEND Behaviour Management 
  • Access Arrangements Admin
  • Developing the Inclusive KS3 Curriculum - on site AP & digital skills

Session 3

Career Development – from new TA to Trust SEND Lead & Close 


Doing Careers Well - Careers across the Curriculum

Suki Gill, HFL Education

The impact of Covid-19 on young people will continue to be far-reaching, and has raised the profile of careers education in secondary schools. This session will explore how a successfully planned and sequenced careers strategy can help students prepare for their future learning and employment. Pastoral leads will hear how an ambitious career’s curriculum can support whole school priorities, and have a positive impact on wider aspects of school life such as diversity, inclusion, disadvantage and belonging. 

Senior Leader Workshop

David Cameron 

David will look at the challenges that we have faced in schools and at the progress that we have made as an Alliance. He will then look at what we might do to build on that, offering advice, ideas, strategies and tools. 

Student Leader Workshop

Red Kite Education

Red Kite Alliance is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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