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Strategic Development of Inclusive Provision & Practice

Inclusive Leadership Development Forum

Wednesday 27th September 2023 | Temple Learning Academy

Exclusive to Red Kite Alliance partners, this full day forum was facilitated by Cole Andrew and Zena Martin from Inclusive Learning North.  The aims for the day were to enable leaders to:

  • discuss and develop a shared understanding and vision for inclusive pedagogy in classrooms
  • leave with steps to further develop their strategy to enhance an inclusive curriculum. 

Longer term aims included:

  • An increase in Subject Leaders’ confidence and ownership of SEND
  • SEND is approached within strategic CPD planning
  • Recognition and sharing of best practice in inclusion
  • Shared values around inclusive practice across a school / group of schools

At least two key leaders (decision makers) in each school were encouraged to attend to take time to discuss and develop school improvement strategy to hit the road running back at school.  Cole and Zena provided input and activity to coach leaders in identifying and responding to evidence-based school improvement approaches for inclusive practice.  There was time and space during the day to plan next steps to inform SIP and departmental/subject action plans.

Areas considered:

  • What is inclusion?
  • How inclusive are we now?
  • What does outstanding Inclusive practice look like for pupils with SEND?  How do we get there?  How do we know when we’ve arrived?
  • Enhancing SEND Leadership and therefore Inclusive Curriculum
  • Developing Quality First Teaching and ensuring it is consistently applied in the classroom
  • How do we enhance parental engagement in goal setting for pupils with SEND?



Cole Andrew

BA (Ed) Hons, NPQH, PG Cert (SLD), PG Cert (School Inspection)

Cole is a specialist teacher for pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties, an experienced successful senior leader (including Headship) in mainstream and specialist settings. Cole has a strong background in school improvement through work as a local authority advisor for Inclusion and Achievement (Kent), inspection work (SE and NW) and more recently, post graduate research with Cumbria University (Marginalised and Co-created Education Project).


Zena Martin

BA (Hons), PGCE, NPQH, PG Cert (SpLD)

Zena is a specialist teacher for pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties, an experienced successful leader of SEND provision in mainstream settings. She has a strong background in developing strategic improvement for SEND provision and evidence-based practice. She lectured with Edge Hill University and is practiced in identifying and translating evidence-based teaching into quality first teaching in classrooms.

Red Kite Education

Red Kite Alliance is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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