- A biennial Peer Review led by an external reviewer and RKA Primary Headteacher
- Half-termly Primary & Special Leaders’ Meetings with all Alliance Primary & Special Headteachers
- Termly cross-phase Headteacher Briefings providing national updates and sharing best practice
- Potential to become a Steering Group member
- Membership of the RKA Primary Networks & Foundation Subject Profile Sessions
- Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) - working with bespoke RKA cohorts
- Headteacher and Senior Leader peer support and networking across the partnership
- Membership credits redeemable for Red Kite Improvement Partner (RKIP) deployments
- Access to school improvement support from within the alliance
- Opportunities to provide or benefit from interim leadership across the Alliance schools
- Professional development opportunities for staff to deliver on RKA, RKTT and RKTSH programmes as facilitators and/or mentors
- Discounts on Leadership Conferences delivered by high quality educational consultants
- Strategic Partner of Red Kite Teaching School Hub (RKTSH)
- Participation in RKTSH wider CPD provision
- Access to the Red Kite Appropriate Body Service for ECT Registration and Induction
- Access to Red Kite Teaching School Hub suite of NPQ leadership courses, delivered in partnership with Teach First.
Access to Red Kite Teaching School Hub ECF provision, delivered in partnership with Teach First (and from September 2023 with UCL)
Involvement in the delivery of Red Kite Teacher Training SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) programme
- Host Red Kite Teacher Training SCITT trainees on placement
- Priority to recruit from Red Kite Teacher Training SCITT trainees
- RKA-discounted Membership Subscriptions to 10 Subject Associations
- Access to online subscriptions including Leadership Matters
- Economies of scale and efficiencies through joint procurement and cost savings
- Participation in biennial Red Kite Day conference for Primary, Special & All-through partners
- Discounts for RKA thought-leadership events, CPD courses and events
- RED Award – unique to RKA, supporting schools to review, strengthen and celebrate their provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion
Stronger Together
Red Kite Alliance members have a shared moral purpose to work together to improve the learning and achievement of all the young people in our schools.
We firmly believe that we are ‘stronger together’ and the partnership and collaboration between staff in our schools enables all our partners to benefit by both contributing to and receiving expertise and support from each other.
Primary & Special School Partner Benefits
Secondary & All-through School Partner Benefits
- An annual Peer Review led by an external reviewer and RKA Secondary Headteacher
- Half-termly Secondary Leaders’ Meetings with all alliance Secondary Headteachers
- Termly cross-phase Headteacher Briefings providing national updates and sharing best practice
- Potential to become a Steering Group member
- Membership of the RKA Collaborative Learning Communities
- Membership of the RKA Operational Department Sessions
- Headteacher and Senior Leader peer support and networking across the partnership
- Access to school improvement support from within the alliance
- Membership credits redeemable for Red Kite Improvement Partner (RKIP) deployments
- Opportunities to provide or benefit from interim leadership across the Alliance schools
- Professional development opportunities for staff to deliver on RKA, RKTT and RKTSH programmes as facilitators and/or mentors
- Strategic Partner of Red Kite Teaching School Hub (RKTSH)
- Access to the Red Kite Appropriate Body Service for ECT Registration and Induction
- Access to Red Kite Teaching School Hub suite of NPQ leadership courses, delivered in partnership with Teach First.
- Access to Red Kite Teaching School Hub ECF provision, delivered in partnership with Teach First (and from September 2023 with UCL)
- Involvement in the delivery of Red Kite Teacher Training SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) programme
- Host Red Kite Teacher Training SCITT trainees on placement
- Priority to recruit from Red Kite Teacher Training SCITT trainees.
- Access to online subscriptions including Leadership Matters
- Economies of scale and efficiencies through joint procurement and cost savings
- Participation in biennial Red Kite Day conference for Secondary & All-through partners
- Discounts for RKA thought-leadership events, CPD courses and events
- RED Award – unique to RKA, supporting schools to review, strengthen and celebrate their provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion.