RED Award
The Red Kite Alliance RED Award has been developed to support schools to review, strengthen and celebrate their provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion.
Engagement with the award signals a clear commitment to place this agenda at the heart of the life and work of the school.
The Award Provides
- a framework within which schools can evaluate their current provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion;
- a route map to help schools to build on what they already do well, to plan actions to strengthen their provision and to embed a cohesive, inclusive, respectful ethos across the entire school;
- a vehicle for schools to celebrate the richness and diversity of the whole school community, as well as the school’s collective achievements in this area of its provision.
The Red Kite Alliance RED Award also supports schools to meet their statutory duties, including those which fall under The Equality Act 2010.
The award is exclusive to Red Kite Alliance schools.
Support will be provided for schools to work towards achieving:
- The Certificate of Commitment to Equality & Diversity (approx. 3-6 months)
- The Red Kite Alliance RED Award (a further 12-18 months)
Overview of Award Criteria
The Red Kite Alliance RED Award has four strands which are made up of 18 key criteria:
1. School-wide engagement
a) Equality and diversity at the heart of the school’s vision and ethos
b) Effective whole-school leadership for equality and diversity
c) Up-to-date Equalities Policy, Information and Objectives
d) Active engagement of all staff and governors
e) Active engagement of pupils/students
f) Consultation with / positive engagement of parents/carers
2. Actions to eliminate discrimination
a) Effective strategies to create a respectful, inclusive culture
b) Robust policies and systems for tackling bullying, harassment and discriminatory behaviour
c) Regular training for all staff and governors
d) Representation of diversity through curriculum resources and displays
3. Actions to advance equality of opportunity
a) High aspirations and support for all pupils/students to achieve well
b) Support for personal development and positive behaviour
c) Enhanced provision for transition, induction, support and transfer
d) Approaches to staff and governor recruitment, retention and development
4. Actions to foster good relations
a) All staff contribute to the planning and delivery of an inclusive and diverse curriculum
b) Opportunities to experience cultural diversity and develop as global citizens
c) Opportunities to engage with the wider community
d) Positive role models from diverse backgrounds
Application Process
Engagement with the Red Kite Alliance RED Award is a three-stage process:
Engage – Register your commitment to the award and secure engagement from the wider school. Identify your Equalities Lead. |
Audit – Complete the RED Award Initial Self-Evaluation grid to identify areas of strength in your current provision, as well as those areas which you need to / wish to strengthen further. Review your current Equalities Policy, as well as the equality objectives and information which your school has published. |
Plan – Using your completed Initial Self-Evaluation as a starting point, complete the Action Plan. Identify how you can build on areas of strength as well as how you will address areas which need further development. |
Stage 1 is likely to take 3-6 months to complete.
If successful, schools receive the Certificate of Commitment to Equality & Diversity.
Learn – Undertake research and access appropriate training to address any gaps in knowledge and skills, and to ensure that all staff and governors are well-informed and confident in the role they have to play in embedding an inclusive ethos. |
Implement – Undertake the specific actions identified in your Action Plan to address any gaps in your current provision and/or strengthen further your policies and practices, as appropriate. |
Embed – Put in place the structures, systems and routines to secure the longevity of your actions, and to ensure that equality and diversity become embedded into the fabric of your school and have a lasting impact on your school culture. |
Evaluate – Review the progress which has been made against your Initial Self-Evaluation + Action Plan by completing the Self-Evaluation: Progress + Impact grid. To achieve accreditation, all 18 key criteria must be met, with demonstrable progress relative to your Initial Self-Evaluation. |
Evidence – Select a small range of evidence to exemplify how you fulfil the award criteria, including the progress you have made across all four strands. Complete the Evidence Pinboard. | |
Celebrate – You will be informed of the outcome of your application for accreditation within four school weeks. If successful, celebrate the collective achievement of your whole school community in securing the Award. |
Stages 2 and 3 are likely to take 12-18 months to complete.
If successful, schools receive a Red Kite Alliance RED Award certificate, wall plaque and electronic logo (valid for 3 years).
Submit your application
If you have already registered your school's engagement with the award and are now ready to submit an application for the Certificate of Commitment to Equality & Diversity (Stage 1), please use the following link. See page 17 of the Guide for Participating Schools for details of the information and documents which you will be asked to provide as part of the application process. If you have any problems accessing the link or uploading documents, please email