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Red Kite Day 7 Programme

Time Session Location
08:20 Registration Harrogate Convention Centre Entrance 1 
09:00 Keynote Speakers Auditorium
10:20 Complimentary Refreshments Level 4, King's Suite, Hall B, Queen's Suite

Delegates will receive a cold drink on arrival and complimentary tea/coffee will be served at the mid-morning breakThere will be the opportunity to purchase additional teas/coffees, both on arrival and over lunch.

If you have opted-out of publicity permission, please collect a yellow lanyard at registration. 

Cross Curricular Sessions

10:40-11:40, all at Harrogate Convention Centre

You have been given your first-choice workshop Please go to reception if you need a reminder. 

Further information on each session can be found here

Session Location

Attendance and Safeguarding Practice

James Barratt, Temple Learning Academy


Behaviour Curriculum

Tim Milburn, Pete Saunders and Hayley Thompson, Rossett School

Hall B

Developing Leaders at all levels

Stuart Huddleston, Temple Learning Academy

Studio 2

Flexible Working in our schools

Neil Renton and Julie Wellacott, RKLT

Crowne Suite

Google Workspace for Education

Ben Whitaker, Google for Education

Queen's Suite 

Learners Not Labels - Supporting disadvantaged learners to achieve great outcomes

Becky Cox, HFL Education

Queen's Suite

Levelling the Playing Field Every Day

Bev Brining and Liz Wren, Roundhay School

Hall C

Raising the awareness of apprenticeship and degree apprenticeship programmes in Secondary schools    

Suki Gill, HFL Education

Queen's Suite

SEMH Matters

Susan Pardoe and Tim Halliwell, Roundhay School

King's Suite

Teaching the autistic mind within a mainstream setting 

Helen Manyanya and Jo Slingo, Lighthouse School

Hall D

The Menopause Talk

Vicki Lickley and Ria Tomlinson, RKLT

Level 5

The role of Teacher led CPD in creating supportive learning environments, raising teacher wellbeing

Julia Dickson, The Whartons Primary School

Queen's Suite 

Trauma aware schools – principles of practice 

Amy Thompson, Temple Learning Academy

Queen's Suite

Using Evidence to support classroom practice 

Rob Coe, Director of R&D at Evidence Based Education and Senior Associate at the EEF


Voice Resilience in the Classroom 

Sharon Stacey, Sharon Stacey Music

Conference Link Office

Keynote - Rob Coe

11:50-12:20, Auditorium

All delegates are welcome to attend this keynote speech, but it may be more suited to teachers and school leaders.

If TAs and operational staff do not wish to attend this keynote speech they can move to Studio One for an early lunch.


12:25-13:05, Studio One

Lunch will be ‘grab-a-bag’ style and include a cold drinkThere will be multiple, identical catering points for those with no special dietary requirements so please go to any serving pointIf you have stipulated vegetarian, halal, pescatarian or have a nut allergy (no food will contain nuts), you can also go to any of these serving stations   

If you are vegan, have requested gluten-free and/or lactose-free, please go the Free-From serving station. If you are unsure, please ask a member of the catering team. 

If you are travelling to HGS for the afternoon subject sessions you have priority for lunch, please go to the front if there is a queue. Most staff are choosing to car-share or walk up to HGS (20-25 minutes). If you have requested transport to HGS, please gather in the reception area in the main HCC Entrance 1, where there will be a shuttle bus service. This will run between 12.30 and 12.50. You are welcome to take your lunch up to HGS and eat it there. The afternoon sessions start at 13.15, so please allow sufficient time to arrive in time. 

Afternoon Subject/Department CLCs

13:15-15:15, Harrogate Convention Centre and Harrogate Grammar School

Art, Computing, DT, Drama, Food & Nutrition, Music, PE and Science will be held at Harrogate Grammar School (HGS). Members of the Red Kite Education team will be based at HGS to welcome you and help direct you to your rooms. Science colleagues, please go to main reception, all other colleagues please enter through the Sixth Form entrance.

Further information on each session can be found here

Session Location
Art HGS - D01
Business and Economics Mezzanine
Computing HGS - H11 and D12
Design Technology HGS - D02 & D04
Drama HGS - Library Theatre
English Hall B
Food & Nutrition HGS - D03
Geography Crowne Suite
Health and Social Care Queen's Suite
History Level 5
Maths Hall C
MFL Queen's Suite
Music HGS - P11
Pastoral Queen's Suite
PE HGS - Astro
Operational Staff Queen's Suite
Psychology Conference Link Office
RS Queen's Suite
Science HGS - Hall then breakout rooms: A15, A16, A17, A18, A19 and A20
SENDCos/TAs Hall D
Senior Leader Workshop King's Suite
Sociology Conservatory
Student Leaders Workshop Studio Two



For those requiring transport from Harrogate Grammar School to Harrogate Convention Centre the bus will leave at 15:15

Red Kite Day Sponsorship

We are grateful to our sponsors whose generous support has made this event possible.

Red Kite Education

Red Kite Alliance is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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