Sixth Form Spotlight: 16-19 Bursary training for Sixth Form leads
Thursday 4th July, 12:30pm to 4:00pm
Sixth Form Spotlight: 16-19 Bursary training: To understand how bursary funding can support post-16 recruitment and retention and improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners.
Suki Gill, 16-19 Curriculum and Funding Adviser for HFL, will be making a return to deliver a session supporting staff to understand the different bursaries available to 16-19 students, and how they can be directed to those that need it the most.
An inspiring and informative event, it will provide sixth form leads, bursars and finance managers with the most up to date information. There will also be an opportunity for leaders to evaluate their policies and procedures and to ensure the bursary funding supports the recruitment and retention of students into the Sixth Form.