Congratulations Bryony Turford!
Posted 20th November 2023
Recipient of the Science Council CPD Award 2023
In an acknowledgment of scientific dedication, the Science Council's Celebration of Science event hosted on Wednesday 15th November, shone a spotlight on excellence, with Bryony Turford emerging as a recipient of a CPD Award for 2023 for excellence in her CPD practice. Bryony is our Red Kite Alliance Primary Network Lead and oversees the Core Subject Networks (English, Maths, Science) as well as the DHT Network for the alliance. She efficiently manages the 10 Primary Foundation Subject Networks, each of which are profiled once per year and delivers the RKA Primary Subject Leadership Development Programme, a CPD course which supports teachers into whole school leadership roles when leading on a specific subject. We are delighted to see her hard work recognised with this award.
Upon receiving the CPD award, Bryony expressed her joy, stating, 'I was thrilled to receive the notification that I was a CPD award winner. Being a chartered science teacher (CSciTeach) means so much to me. As a primary teacher with a GCSE in Human Biology, I have often felt a huge sense of imposter syndrome and that my peers are more 'science'y' than me. The charter mark had a huge effect on my self-belief that my work is valued and has parity with colleagues in the sector. Achieving this award has made me feel this all over again, and I am so proud to be recognised in this way.'
The Association for Science Education Co-chairs, Alex Sinclair and Leigh Hoath, expressed their delight at Bryony's well-deserved recognition, commending her commitment to the ASE and the primary science community. They emphasised the positive impact of her enthusiasm and expertise. According to them, the opportunity for professionals to develop through registrations like CSciTeach ensures the availability of high-quality science CPD within school science communities. Bryony Turford's multifaceted contributions and leadership roles within the RKA alliance underscore her as a trailblazer in science education and professional development.
Congratulations Bryony from all at Red Kite Alliance!