Become a Member
Red Kite Alliance is an inclusive organisation which welcomes schools and other institutions.
Membership is available to all those willing to contribute to as well as benefit from the work of the Alliance.
Joining Red Kite Alliance
If you are interested in joining Red Kite Alliance, please do get in touch. Expressions of interest from schools wishing to join the Alliance are followed up with a meeting with the Headteacher in the first instance to not only explain the work of the Alliance, but also the expectations that all partner schools commit to upholding the aim and values of the Alliance.
Any subsequent formal request to join the Alliance is then put to the RKA Steering Group for consideration. Approval will be given if a majority of two thirds or more of the Steering Group members are in favour.
All approved members must sign a Deed of Adherence agreeing to adhere fully to the Alliance Agreement. This Deed will extend for the duration of the school’s membership with the Alliance. Any updates to the Alliance Agreement, approved by the Steering Group, will be sent to Alliance partners annually.
Membership Subscription
Red Kite Alliance members pay an annual subscription in line with the fiscal year April to March. Schools joining partway through the subscription year will be invoiced pro-rata. Subscription rates are based on the number of students on roll. Any change to Red Kite Alliance membership rates will be communicated to all members as part of the annual Alliance Agreement update.
Members have the opportunity to offset the cost of membership by contributing to the work of the alliance including:
- hosting an RKTT trainee on placement
- planning and delivering specialist training session for RKTT trainees
- involvement in school to school support, eg deploying an RKIP
- leadership of our Secondary Curriculum Learning Communities and Primary Networks
- facilitation, development and delivery of our CPD and leadership provision