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Partner Benefits

Red Kite Improvement Partners

Alliance members have access to a wide range of school improvement partners to support their schools and address specific priorities and improvement needs. These Red Kite Improvement Partners (RKIPs) include system leaders and specialists within the alliance, as well as a wealth of external consultants and educationalists with experience in multiple disciplines. Red Kite Alliance membership entitles every alliance school to a number of credits each year to access school improvement support from The Directory.

Further details regarding the credit system, RKIPs available and deployment details can be found in the Member Area.

Examples of support available


support for SEF/SIF, focus on key stage, curriculum planning, SEND provision.

Subject knowledge development, deep dives, subject association & professional learning.

A practice phone call or inspection preparation and support from experienced inspectors including SLEs. NLEs and HMIs.

People & Procurement
Performance management, financial audits, benchmarking, system implementation and recruitment or staff training support.

How other schools have used their credits

In order to support our school improvement planning (SIP) and get the year off to a solid start we used our Peer review, Red Kite Credits and head teacher performance management in a coherent way. In October 2021 Rob Pye undertook a peer review full day working with a number of Highfield staff and exploring our school improvement (SIP) COVID recovery plan at Key Stage 2. The following day he focused on a mathematics KS1 and Recep-tion deep dive and worked with more Highfield staff. This was another (SIP) priority. Then the following week Rob was asked to advise at my head teacher performance management which of course focused on my leadership of the (SIP). It was a very useful experience.
Julie Colley, Highfield Primary School

Red Kite Education

Red Kite Alliance is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH